Today, I was reminded of the triangular relationship that the client, the therapist, and the music have while in a music therapy session. I have a client who tends to enter into the therapy space and...Read More
I’ve just returned from a fantastic few days in Key Largo, Florida. The weather was perfect; 80 degrees and sunny. We Minnesotans wore plenty of sunscreen, so luckily there was no burning involv...Read More
As a small business owner who is still new to all of the intricacies such an identity involves, I have tried a variety of ways to keep up with myself, so to speak. Recently I was listening to an episo...Read More
January is Social Media Advocacy Month for music therapy. I am not an official participant in this project, but I do my part to advocate as I can. What do I do to advocate? Most importantly, I provide...Read More
I’ve decided on my theme word for the year. Design. I’ve come across so many blog posts and articles about “lifestyle design,” that I’ve decided to take into considerati...Read More
I’ve gotten some input on a book to read and review. My choice is The Gift of Therapy. My plan is to finish it by March 15… Has anyone read it?...Read More
Welcome to 2014. I hope it’s pleasant. I have yet to see clients in this calendar year; I took last week off, and today the whole state, pretty much, was closed given the -22 degrees we had at t...Read More
After my two clients tomorrow afternoon, I will be taking two weeks off from work. I’m looking forward to spending (maybe) less time online and on-screen. I’m looking forward to cleaning u...Read More
I’ve liked to use these “Monday matters” posts as a theme for my week, or as a result of what I’d thought of in my week before. In this case, I am going to think of my theme fo...Read More
I have had a rough day. I realize we’re all supposed to cherish the holidays and love this time of year. Well, I guess I’m not working hard enough to feel the joy that I’m supposed t...Read More