Monday matters: Accountability

As a small business owner who is still new to all of the intricacies such an identity involves, I have tried a variety of ways to keep up with myself, so to speak. Recently I was listening to an episode of Internet Business Mastery in which there was mention of accountability partners. I’d never thought of this before, so I sought out someone who is also a music therapist in private practice, and who also has a young child. Our thought is to check in with one another on a weekly (or perhaps just monthly) basis.

Accountability is somewhat difficult in private practice. I am all alone here. I’ve even taken to plotting out my day on an hourly basis. Today went fairly well. Tomorrow is a mystery.

What do you do for accountability?

Coming up on Wednesday will be a guest post on the theme of 2014.

Keep reading.

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What are your words? February writing prompt

Today is already January 15. I will be putting up a submission next week for January’s writing prompt, “word of intention.” In February, I’ll be considering self-care.

February seems to be right in the middle of winter for us here in Minneapolis. I know the calendar says otherwise, but last year we had snow as late as May. I abhor the cold weather and snow generally sucks, in my opinion, so clearly I live in the wrong place. But, I’m here, and one major part of enduring the winter here has to be those pieces of the day that are attributed to self-care.

As professionals in a helping field, music therapists often talk about self-care. Do we really do it, though? What does “self-care” mean?

I’m curious about what “self-care” does not mean, too. I know much of the time, self-care is expressed in terms of daily activities. What are the things that we don’t do? What about self-talk? Do you combine that with self-care?

I want to hear from music therapists, art therapists, counselors, therapists, teachers, administrators, and anyone who uses self-care intentionally. Please write up a few words to describe what you do and don’t do for self-care, in relationship to your professional life. Send me your words here, and be sure to include your contact information and links, by February 15.


I was happy to be able to spend time with music therapists Kat Fulton and Tim Ringgold tonight as they hosted a live Google hangout for music therapists as a way to launch their new project site, Empower U Academy. Kat and Tim shared ways for music therapists to know their value, which is another important factor in advocacy, I’d argue.

*I will be posting our first contribution on professional words of intention in just a few days. Feel free to contribute your thoughts on your word of intention for this calendar year.

Monday matters: Advocacy

January is Social Media Advocacy Month for music therapy. I am not an official participant in this project, but I do my part to advocate as I can.

What do I do to advocate? Most importantly, I provide the best service I can. I seek out educational opportunities in a variety of places. I receive clinical supervision. I collaborate. I reach out to other music therapists, as well as other professionals who are not music therapists, in order to develop an understanding of what it is they do. I attempt to provide a face that is considered educated, competent, and professional. I advocate for my profession on a daily basis.

See here for more information and resources.

How do you advocate?


I’ve decided on my theme word for the year. Design. I’ve come across so many blog posts and articles about “lifestyle design,” that I’ve decided to take into consideration the fact that I am my own designer. One big reason I started to work for myself only is because I wanted to control my work life. In essence, I wanted to design my days and my habits and my priorities. I do that. However, I also feel that I react more often than I should. A reason I chose design is because the action behind the word has a lot of intention in it; I’d like to have more intention in my work and daily life.

Prompt: What is a synonym for “design” that you apply to your work? Leave it in the comments.

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Monday matters: Miscellaneous

Welcome to 2014. I hope it’s pleasant.

I have yet to see clients in this calendar year; I took last week off, and today the whole state, pretty much, was closed given the -22 degrees we had at the start. For that reason, I have only a couple of miscellaneous items to share.

Songza is a site and app that provides songs curated for the time of day you’re listening. For instance, the app knows it’s Monday night, and provides options such as, “bedtime,” “love & romance,” or “studying.” Click on one, and it gives more options, all culminating in one playlist. I was happy to find Sara Bareilles singing, “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay” in the “acoustic pop songs” selection. 

Once I find some good artists in Songza, I go over to Rdio to decide whether or not to buy. Today, I’m listening to The Avett Brothers’ album, “The Carpenter.” (I got to see them live at Red Rocks last summer.) 

New projects are about to be launched. That’s a good thing.

Happy January.

See you in January

After my two clients tomorrow afternoon, I will be taking two weeks off from work. I’m looking forward to spending (maybe) less time online and on-screen. I’m looking forward to cleaning up and catching up on paperwork. I’m looking forward to closing down 2013. I’m looking forward to seeing family, and seeing my baby’s first Christmas play out.

What is exciting you? What’s one good thing about 2013? I had a baby. That was good.

Happy holiday-time. Happy new year. I’ll see you again in January.