Yesterday I started to read some of Tony Wigram’s article, “Music Therapy Assessment: Psychological assessment without words,” published in Psyke & Logos in 2007. I’ve be...Read More
Assessment is a practice that continues from session to session and moment to moment. Formally, assessment happens at the beginning stages of treatment. In order to evaluate a client and his or her st...Read More
Upcoming events affiliated with Sound Matters Music Therapy, LLC Minneapolis music therapist peer group meeting Monday, April 28, 2014, 7:00 PM Please contact Erin directly for information regarding l...Read More
This week’s band share is The Dead Pigeons, out of Minneapolis. Man, I love me some banjo. I also love The Current and all its music discussion....Read More
This past Saturday, I attended a fantastic presentation called “An Overview of the Theories that Inform Music Therapy Practice,” given by Kathleen Murphy, PhD, MT-BC and James Hiller, PhD,...Read More
I’ve just returned from my regional music therapy conference, held in Rosemont, Illinois. We got home earlier today, and I went to see clients this afternoon. Surprisingly, I’m tired. I at...Read More
This week consists of two days of seeing clients, and then the Great Lakes Region Music Therapy Conference. I’m looking forward to it. Anyone else attending?...Read More
I have entirely lost my voice. I woke up this morning with nothing. I tried to make a phone call to cancel one of my sessions, and was embarrassed that it sounded like a prank call; I’m sure the...Read More
Welcome to Wednesday. I just recently came across this Minneapolis band. They’re called Skittish, and you can find more about them here. Their song “Running Lights” awaits you: Oh, ...Read More
I have written before that I am in transition between working in two different music therapy approaches. I’m trying to become more and more comfortable with the process-oriented approach (which,...Read More