I love when my clients and/or residents surprise me. At the care center where I work, another music therapist/unit coordinator and myself have been facilitating some choir rehearsals. I have yet anoth...Read More
I work with two populations: People in assisted living, care center, and transitional care units; and people with developmental disabilities. I suppose I could break down the populations even further ...Read More
My primary instrument is voice, followed closely by violin. Being a vocalist, I both think of my voice quite often, and yet take it for granted. I don’t warm it up in the mornings before work, u...Read More
The first blog I ever read was “The Happiness Project,” by Gretchen Rubin. She has a book out by the same title, in which she explores different tactics to find more happiness in ev...Read More
I am currently designing exactly how I’d like my documentation to be, in terms of assessment forms, treatment plans, progress notes, and contact information. The studio through which I provide m...Read More
I have been using my violin in my care center work more and more often. I am thankful for that; I do not use or play it outside of work, and if I didn’t find a purpose for it in my workday, I wo...Read More
When I was in coursework, I had such a neat opportunity to be a part of a music therapy support group, aimed at students. We met monthly, discussed questions and issues that came up for us in our read...Read More
As I’ve mentioned in another post, A plan to plan, I have to design my experiences to have a good deal of reuse power (thanks to JoAnn Jordan of Music Sparks for that term). I try to focus on...Read More
We went to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival yesterday, and saw a few songs performed by this group at one of the pubs. They were fun and rowdy, as was the rest of the crowd there. I noticed the way ...Read More
I have a client who is very interested in anything heavy metal — the clothes he wears, the guitar he has, and, of course, the music he wants to hear and learn. I have had a lot of difficulty fin...Read More