I am back on the mainland! I spent the past several days on Maui, and returned yesterday afternoon. Needless to say, Hawaii is a wonderful place. Several times I saw people lounging on the beach with their guitar or ukelele.
The only souvenir of Hawaii I wanted to bring home with me was a ukelele. Now that I am working primarily with small, young children, the size of the ukelele and its portability makes the instrument very appealing. I shadowed one of my ukelele-playing music therapist friends working with children, and I decided then and there that the instrument was essential.
Knowing that I was about to depart to Hawaii, I decided I’d pick one up there.

While in Hawaii, I attended one group class designed for beginners. I didn’t get any new skills from this class, so I took a private lesson from someone at Lahaina Music, where I purchased my uke.
Aloha and mahalo!