Two small business resources

I drive a lot. I try to write all of my progress notes between clients and sites, and to do that, I use my iPad. Just in case you out there who are in private practice and who drive do not know about Evernote, I’ll take this moment to say that it’s been really handy for me. I have a number of notebooks where I keep my categorized notes, and they’re all filed and synchronized between my iPad, iPhone, and laptop. That’s it. That’s the most appealing aspect of it– its synchronization.

Though I’ve had my Square account for months, I’m just now finding it useful. I find a satisfaction in going to the bank and depositing checks, but it does take time and scheduling. Square frees all of that up, and deposits on the next day.

I wonder what other apps or methods you private practitioners use for notes, paperwork, and payment.

Tuesday song share

At the last peer supervision group we had here in Minneapolis, I shared the lyrics and chords to this song. So, here is the video:

Monday matters: Finding patience

Patience happens to be both difficult for me to practice and elemental in working as a music therapist.

Finding patience clinically

One of the clients I see every week has drawn out of me a need to practice the patience with which I struggle more often than not. To be clear, I loosely define patience as listening to the client and supporting the client in the time frame he or she chooses. I try not to expect a behavior or a reaction or a vocalization in any given circumstance. However, I am not always aware enough to realize that what has happened with a client historically isn’t necessarily going to happen again. Two of the last sessions I’ve had with one particular client has proven that. Instead of enthusiastically engaging with an instrument as is normally the case, this client met the instrument and me with silence. Silence has its own set of challenges for me, and though I’m learning to embrace it more and more, I think I still find it threatening. Doing something seems to be so important, and silence doesn’t look as though something is being done. But it is. And in these silences, I had to remind myself of patience and presence, and being open to the client.

Finding patience professionally

Now that I am more than halfway through my pregnancy, I’m having to practice patience in determining my case load. I’ve decided I’ll need to pare down in some areas but build up in others. These decisions induce a lot of anxiety– again, I feel that I need to have it all done already– but on a very regular basis I have to remind myself to be patient.

I wonder if there is anyone else who struggles with practicing patience, clinically or professionally.  

Ah, cellos

Michael Jackson came up for me today, and it reminded me of this video. I saw it for the first time months ago, and chances are you have, too, but just in case you haven’t:

So many books and articles to read

I have always wanted to be an avid reader. I introduced An Article Monthly Project months ago, and I did find that making the time to read the articles was satisfying. But, it did not last.

One good book I am reading (in pieces) is The Dynamics of Music Psychotherapy, edited by Kenneth Bruscia. I’m quite sure many music therapists either own it or have heard of it, but it seems to be a good one to go back to whenever I so need.

If there so happens to be someone out there who wants to discuss any of the chapters, I’m all for it. 

In process

Over the past few months I have been shifting the way I think of music therapy and my philosophy of my practice from outcome-oriented to process-oriented. These months have brought such an interesting struggle. I am really fortunate to have found a clinical supervisor who is supporting me in this transition. This change has introduced a number of obstacles, none of which I would be able to navigate successfully without support. All sorts of questions have arisen for me as I’m working through the change, and I am led to believe that the questions aren’t ever going to come to an end. They just may be of a different nature. I think the questions are what is so appealing as well as what is so scary about process-oriented therapy.

This week I’ve come to decide that I need to find my connection in regard to the way I’m practicing, and to recognize that it is itself a process. I have experienced a share of challenges to this orientation, and though I believe in the validity of music therapy as a whole, I cannot switch off the way I provide the best care so that I may sidestep an obstacle. Sometimes connecting to a philosophy such as I am doing now is difficult. But, I already feel more genuine as a therapist, which will in turn benefit my clients.

Here’s hoping that the path keeps winding, but at least smoothes out a little! 

I wonder if anyone else has ever had a transition like this.