I felt like a fantastic guitarist today because I wore a sweater. I’ll explain. If you play ukelele with any variety of strum patterns, you know that there are quite a few patterns that use muti...Read More
I know I’ve been absent from my website and blogging. All I can say is, my list of daily to-dos shifted considerably for a couple of months there. A short catch up of what’s going on at So...Read More
Thank you to Macalaster College for having me present during Wellness Wednesdays. I enjoyed the group and look forward to answering any further questions....Read More
I am so happy to announce that Sound Matters Music Therapy is now Sound Matters Music Therapy, LLC. I look forward to all that will happen with it in the coming year....Read More
I am beginning something of a transition in my approach to my music therapy work. I’m beginning to shift my perspective into a process oriented approach. The most poignant thought I took away fr...Read More
Upcoming events at Sound Matters Music Therapy Meeting of the Minds in Music September 29, 2012 4:00-6:00 PM Music Therapy in Mental Health: A Presentation on the Effects of Music and Its Use a...Read More
I believe that today will perhaps be my last “light” day, as I’ve taken on a number of new clients and contracts that will be starting this week. I am pretty thrilled, however feelin...Read More
I keep a limited amount of music on my iPhone, because it doesn’t have enough capacity to hold my whole library (and frankly some of my music is embarrassing). My husband has thousands and thous...Read More
I do have a fantastic love for podcasts. One that has always been playing through my speakers is “This American Life.” I imagine you’ve heard it. A few weeks ago, the podcast rebroad...Read More
There are only a few times thus far in my music therapy career when I’ve felt that I provided a truly successful session. One time was just yesterday. I have a client who has some tendencies tow...Read More