Two small business resources

I drive a lot. I try to write all of my progress notes between clients and sites, and to do that, I use my iPad. Just in case you out there who are in private practice and who drive do not know about... Read More

In process

Over the past few months I have been shifting the way I think of music therapy and my philosophy of my practice from outcome-oriented to process-oriented. These months have brought such an interesting... Read More

Accommodations and change

I have had to change the way I interact with some of my clients, mostly because I am not as able to be up and down off the floor anymore. To accommodate this, I used a table and chairs in one of my se... Read More

Upcoming meeting

There is a small group of music therapists in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas that meets on a (relatively) regular basis. If you happen to be a board-certified music therapist in our area and are i... Read More