I do have a fantastic love for podcasts. One that has always been playing through my speakers is “This American Life.” I imagine you’ve heard it. A few weeks ago, the podcast rebroad...Read More
I love when I find other musicians who feel similarly about listening to music as I do. I went to a Labor Day Eve party (there is no reason Christmas can have an Eve and other holidays cannot; why not...Read More
There are only a few times thus far in my music therapy career when I’ve felt that I provided a truly successful session. One time was just yesterday. I have a client who has some tendencies tow...Read More
There are a few things about working in private practice that I’m “testing.” One is to report to the parents or caregivers of my clients and students directly (meaning within the sam...Read More
My sinusitis simply did not let up, all through last week, and then coupled itself with a perky little migraine that took me to urgent care. I am feeling better as the days go by, but truthfully, bein...Read More
I work on my own, as a contractor and in my own private practice. I don’t co-facilitate with another music therapist, and I don’t work on a team (at the moment). For these reasons, I’...Read More
And I’m sick. Over the past two weeks, this cough I’d developed turned itself into bronchitis and I woke up Monday with a painful sinus infection. Two unrelated problems, that hit me at th...Read More
Now that I have accomplished my wedding (what an accomplishment that process was, too — I spent a whole lot of energy worrying over that lovely day), I have come up with some new goals for my wo...Read More
My husband* and I have just begun training for a marathon that is set this fall. Since I’ve been running outdoors, and with Thomas, I haven’t had any kind of music with me at any time. Whe...Read More
Good Monday to you! Clearly, I’ve been away. In June, I got married. Leading up to the wedding, I decided to shift my focus much more to all of the end-of-planning work that needed to be done, s...Read More