As much as I enjoy and appreciate themes, I’ve never been one to work inside them. This being said, the “Monday matters” posts are an attempt to focus myself on a topic throughout my...Read More
I am working with two clients who have both, over the past few weeks, been really interested in writing and illustrating. One client created a short songbook, complete with his own illustrations. Half...Read More
As much as I enjoy and appreciate themes, I’ve never been one to work inside them. This being said, the “Monday matters” posts are an attempt to focus myself on a topic throughout my...Read More
Patience happens to be both difficult for me to practice and elemental in working as a music therapist. Finding patience clinically One of the clients I see every week has drawn out of me a need to pr...Read More
Over the past few months I have been shifting the way I think of music therapy and my philosophy of my practice from outcome-oriented to process-oriented. These months have brought such an interesting...Read More
Finding connection clinically I had one client today with whom I had a lot of trouble connecting. I brought her favorite instruments. Though she is non-verbal, she is often quite vocal, and she seemed...Read More
I have had to change the way I interact with some of my clients, mostly because I am not as able to be up and down off the floor anymore. To accommodate this, I used a table and chairs in one of my se...Read More
Several of the clients I see have autism. Some use speech to communicate, others do not. Some find the ability to express their needs through various gestures, some sign language, and other physical i...Read More
Ah, yes. I have been away for quite some time. Frankly, this Winter offered me too much to combat, and some things– like writing as much as I really want to do– fell by the wayside. Howeve...Read More
Happy holidays, everyone. I am taking a break from posting and updating until some time in the first or second week of The New Year! Have a great holidays!...Read More