Would you want music at your bedside?

*Whoa. How does a person get anything else done when they’re planning a wedding? Truly, does anyone have advice?

I really liked this article. The piece reminds me of a time I’d heard one of my music therapy instructors tell the class that when she had to undergo some treatment in a hospital, she denied any visits from the hospital’s music therapist and refused any music at all.

How does this article sit with you?

Life, Interrupted: The Beat Goes On

Subway flash mob

I feel rather distant from a number of things lately, but this is because we are so busy getting together the rest of our wedding planning. Obviously I haven’t been writing daily; but I’ve been working daily.

Last week’s UPS included:

  1. Acquiring new clients
  2. Seeing my once-a-month clients
  3. Setting up a high school student observation
  4. Acquiring new instruments and materials for the little ones I see each morning
  5. Getting a $15.00 discount at a children’s store, just by using foursquare

Last week’s NOT-SO-UPS included:

  1. Learning that I won’t be seeing a really special client after the Spring session
  2. Becoming frustrated with my (in)ability to continuously engage my little ones
  3. Becoming frustrated that I’m finding it more and more difficult to separate my wedding planning from my every thought
  4. Realizing I can’t keep up with everything I’d like to be doing right this minute
  5. Succumbing to feeling overwhelmed

Have a good week, everyone.


The bells will be ringing

I have missed blogging with my regularity this past week, however I am in need of any extra time I can find; I’m getting married next month and I have ohsomuch planning yet to do. So, with this upcoming, life-changing event (a wonderful one), I am going to post to this site only once a week in this month of May. I’ll see how life treats me in June…

This being said, I have to say I was heartbroken when I heard this news story, and I want to share it. (Not because I want you to be heartbroken, too, but because I find it a notable story.)

Oops! Stradivarius cello broken in accident…

One for two

I’ve decided to add another challenge to my days this week. Not only am I busy planning my wedding, but I’ve decided I need to direct more energy at my musical skill development. I’ve challenged myself to writing one song (defined, in my head, as two verses, one chorus, and one bridge) each day this work week.

How am I doing? Today is only Tuesday, and I am one-for-two…

But, I am happy enough that yesterday I wrote in a minor key, which is something I’ve rarely used recently, and I’m using some different strumming techniques. I am all for professional musical development.

My excuse for not writing today is that my fiancé and I were too busy learning the subject of the YouTube video in preparation for our upcoming wedding… Hurrah for old-time music at our reception.