
I am four months in to my internship now, and I am ready to make money doing what I do.  I feel independent, for the most part. I feel that I do what I do when I need to do it. This is not to say I don’t need support from supervisors and peers, but it is to say that I am ready for the challenge and change of being a professional in music therapy. I am ready to see myself through this oncoming transition. I have always been impatient (though I do enjoy delayed gratitude), and this impatience is more present today. I have some fantastic relationships with patients, and I will dearly miss them, but I am interested in moving farther forward.

A list of things I like

I don’t think of my own physical comfort as being all that important. Maybe that’s odd. However, I now know that physical discomfort (even if it’s not severe, acute pain) affects all things. I know, this is obvious. I need to experience things before I really have learned them; I am an experiential/kinesthetic learner. Anyway, here is the list of things I like and enjoy:
1. Showers, or being and staying clean (I’m talking clean-clean– I don’t like when my hands are dirty or when I spill on myself. Luckily, my mother did not pass her spilling gene to me.)
2. Being dry (I can hardly stand it when my hands don’t get entirely dry after washing them, or when my sleeves get wet when I’m washing my hands.)
3. Being very warm. I really dislike being chilly in the least.
4. Eating. Yet I rarely set aside time to do it.
5. Sleeping. But I feel so guilty when I nap. I think last weekend was the first time I’ve napped in a long time.
6. Using lotion.
7. Using Chapstick/lip balm (I don’t like the word “balm,” but at least I don’t have to speak it here. “The weather is balmy.” Gross.)
8. Reading. I rarely do it.
9. Writing. This, I do. And I think I’m happier for it.
Hmmm. I should prioritize these things.
Thanks for reading.