I wonder if anyone out there who works in nursing homes has ever heard of, or uses, the IN2L system. Ours has had it for at least the year I’ve been working on their staff. The IN2L (stands for...Read More
I led a group at the care center yesterday that included two family members of one of the residents. The group was going really well, and the family members seemed so happy to be there. (They asked se...Read More
I had a fantastic night with a certain client. He crossed midline with ease, he tracked a little better than is normal, he remained seated for the amount of time as is his goal, and he passed his inst...Read More
I’m not too interested in karaoke (I think I sing and play other people’s music enough as it is), but one Ray Evangelista certainly is. A story was broadcast on Minnesota Public Radio toni...Read More
Though this isn’t exactly music therapy related, this post is my therapy related. For my birthday, my fiancé Thomas had the perfect idea to purchase tickets to four different modern dance perfo...Read More
I remember a time only a while ago, maybe only a couple of weeks, where I proclaimed that I was making progress toward goals with one of my private clients. Tonight, however, I feel that the one step ...Read More
Tonight I essentially made my fiancé sit with me for more than an hour as we waded through a couple of years’ worth of my home video. The reason I suddenly decided to do this was that he and I ...Read More
I am excited that I now will be offering guitar lessons (both adaptive and traditional) through the studio where I have been offering solely music therapy sessions. My first student will start next ...Read More