You’re nobody til somebody loves you

I had a thought today: There is no way I could ever leave my job at the care center because I couldn’t stand severing my relationship with those residents on a voluntary basis.

I am happy I had that thought; I am happy I love them all so much. I am happy I am able to see them engage in music, something most other staff members are not able to do.

I also feel much better about the way my private client sessions are going. We are two weeks into the fall session, and I am feeling better prepared and more acquainted with my clients. This being said, I have one client who is a master mystery. I have never felt that I have given him what he needs in order to be successful, even though I try, almost every session, to approach my goals differently.

Apparently there is much controversy over recent comments made by Pat Robertson regarding divorcing spouses with Alzheimer’s. I think there are a multitude of considerations. Life changes for everyone involved, at that point. What do you think? (I wasn’t able to embed the video, but you can get in from the link.)

Alzheimer\’s and divorce