I wonder if anyone out there who works in nursing homes has ever heard of, or uses, the IN2L system. Ours has had it for at least the year I’ve been working on their staff. The IN2L (stands for It’s Never 2/Too Late) is a computer system (pardon my lack of technological language) that provides a number of programs, if you will, that are supposed to be interactive and can be shared with groups or individuals. The touch screen allows for some easy use by a resident.

I don’t find the system particularly useful, and the times I’ve tried to work with it, it hasn’t exactly provided what it says it will, but that’s another story.

The reason I bring it up is because my fellow music therapist/palliative care unit coordinator brought it into our office and said that with the system’s last update, there was installed a “music therapy” program. Hm. She said that the program’s title was “Music Therapy,” and that, when opened, it provided a large number of song selections from different genres of music. This is very nice, and seems to be a step up from the music offerings the system had before, but, I question why they call it “Music Therapy.” A better title could be “Music As Therapy,” or simply, “Music,” but not “Music Therapy.” Unless, of course, a music therapist is using those programs with a resident, and having that supplement the therapeutic process.

I’ll have to do more investigating of it. 

2 thoughts on “IN2L

  • Thanks Erin,

    My Name is Jack York, I’m the founder / CEO of It’s Never 2 Late. Good feedback is more fun to receive than mediocre feedback, but I appreciate the honesty. I’d like to learn more about your community, which system you have, etc as we’ve gotten very good feedback from the new music content we’re providing. Some of the music is from certified music therapists, hence why we call it that. Let me know how we can get in touch, we have 1000+ systems out there (and growing) – we want you to enjoy the experience as our other customers do.

    Thanks for the feedback

  • Hello Mr. York,
    Thank you for your comment.
    I am happy to learn that some of the music provided on the IN2L comes from music therapists. While exploring the IN2L website, I noticed dedications to speech therapy and physical therapy, and saw that the accompanying pictures were taken of residents/clients working with people who appeared to be therapists. I am encouraged by that; my initial hesitation about designating a program “music therapy” or “speech therapy,” etc., is when it can be used with a resident/client by someone who is not a therapist. However, I need to become more familiar with the system before I make any decisions.
    Thanks again for the comment. Should you like to learn more about my facility or our system, e-mail me at

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