The week in quotes

Resident: “Are you tired?”

Me: “No.”

Resident: “Really?”

Me: “Nope, not tired.”

Resident: “You look like you could just drop.”


Resident: “You are such a doll. Even with glasses.”


Resident to another staff member: “Come here.”

Staff member: “Yes?”

Resident: “Can I ask you something?”

Staff member: “Sure.”

Resident: “Are you pregnant?”

(The exchange should just end here, but alas, it does not.)

Aghast. Staff member: “No. Why, do I look like I’m pregnant?”

Resident: “Well, sure you do!”


Me, to a colleague of mine: “I am so anxious about this weekend. I am feeling distracted from work.”

Colleague: “Really? Well, can’t you just go through the motions? What you do is pretty mindless, anyway.”

Me: Speechless.

*Colleague and I discussed this exchange later. All is well. But still, a pretty priceless conversation, if you can call it that.



Volunteer: “I always have, always will.”

Triple threat

I love when my clients and/or residents surprise me.

At the care center where I work, another music therapist/unit coordinator and myself have been facilitating some choir rehearsals. I have yet another colleague who is active in theatre, and has wanted to introduce acting in skits to our residents. I also lead a tone chimes ensemble, which has performed once since I’ve taken over the position, and plans to perform again in early December.

If only we also had a dance or movement therapist…

The past few instances where the choir has rehearsed, the theatrical colleague, my co-facilitator, and I have arranged to transition from choir to skit reading. This has worked really well. So well, in fact, that our group has been growing steadily, and I am hoping to combine the choir, the theatre, and the tone chimes into one bigger performance in December.

The reason I said that my residents surprise me is because they, all of them, have been singing all of the songs (save a Beatles song — I know, I know) they are given, and they volunteer to read the skits. And most of them read really well. I absolutely love introducing people to one another, and to see them pay each other compliments at the end of our being together.

I love what I get to do.