I’ve just returned from my regional music therapy conference, held in Rosemont, Illinois. We got home earlier today, and I went to see clients this afternoon. Surprisingly, I’m tired. I at...Read More
Welcome to Wednesday. I just recently came across this Minneapolis band. They’re called Skittish, and you can find more about them here. Their song “Running Lights” awaits you: Oh, ...Read More
I love this work I get to do. I love that one of my clients came up and hugged me today, when he’s never done that before. I love that I always feel full of life when I go to a particular day ce...Read More
I’ve been looking at Kenneth Bruscia’s Defining Music Therapy (second edition) over the past few days in order to research a little for a project a colleague of mine and I are doing. I a...Read More
I’ve been a-reading (that is, “audio reading,” as in audiobooks; not a-reading like “I’m a-fixin’ to read me some books”) Bob Dylan in America written and r...Read More
Today is already January 15. I will be putting up a submission next week for January’s writing prompt, “word of intention.” In February, I’ll be considering self-care. February...Read More